2007-09-08+15+22 Oberhausen

„MONO“ is the title of a concert series with electroacoustic music inside the famous Gasometer building in Oberhausen/Germany.
Frank Niehusmann invented the mono sound concept for DEGEM, the German Association for Electroacoustic Music, and is their head of production for this unique event. MONO is a concert series produced by DEGEM, in cooperation with Gasometer Oberhausen GmbH, promoted and supported by Deutscher Musikrat, NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal, EVO Energieversorgung Oberhausen AG and Folkwang-Hochschule Essen.

First step was the international competition „MONO @ GASOMETER“ to find outstanding concepts for electroacoustic performances specially designed for the Gasometer; the Jury members:
* Dipl.-Ing. Folkmar Hein
(head of the Elektronisches Studio der TU-Berlin)
[ http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche_mitarbeiter/hein/ ]
* Prof. Christina Kubisch
(who designed the permanent light-and-sound-installation „Licht Himmel“ inside the Gasometer)
[ http://www.christinakubisch.de ]
* Frank Niehusmann
(Board member of DEGEM, German Association for Electroacoustic Music)
[ http://www.degem.de ]
* Prof. Dirk Reith
(head of ICEM Institut für Computer-Musik und elektronische Medien der Folkwang Hochschule Essen)
[ http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~reith/Web-Site/Willkommen.html ]

The jury’s selection – the six artists who will perform new works inside the Gasometer:
* Knut Aufermann (D)
[ http://knut.klingt.org ]
* Ivo Bol (NL)
[ http://www.ivobol.nl ]
* Hiroki Nishino (J)
[ http://www.washington.edu/dxarts/profile_home.php?who=nishino ]
* Jobina Tinnemans (NL)
[ http://www.blatnova.com ]
* Ge-Suk Yeo (D)
[ http://art.cappuccinonet.com/lang/de/artists.html ]
* Florian Zwißler (D)
[ http://www.florianzwissler.de ]

* final documentation of the „MONO“-project:
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-hochschule.de/mono/MONO%202007/MONO%202007/Start.html ]