2009-02-13 Stockton, USA
„Achtung! Future! – A Science Fiction Movie“,
Audio-Video-Composition by „khmfn“
(Karl-Heinz Mauermann & Frank Niehusmann),
at the festival „SoundImageSound VI“
* venue: University of the Pacific, Conservatory Recital Hall:
[ http://www1.pacific.edu/~rcoburn/events/soundimagesound/index.php ]
* „SoundImageSound VI“ is organized by Robert Coburn, Chair of the Music Studies Department and Program Director of Music Composition and Theory at the Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific;
* „Achtung! Future! – A Science Fiction Movie“ is the video-version of the audio-visual concert-composition „Achtung! Future!“
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]
* Programme 2009:
Elainie Lillios – Bonnie Mitchell:
– „2BTextures“
Francis Dhomont – Inés Wickmann:
– „Sisyphe“
Frank Niehusmann – Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
– „Achtung! Future! – A Science Fiction Movie“
Moon Young Ha – Dennis Miller:
– „Amorphisms“
Maggi Payne:
– „Liquid Amber“
Samuel Van Ransbeeck – Peter V. Swendsen:
– „Dispersion, a sudden change in the consistency of snow“
David Morneau:
– „Boop Boop Beep“