2011-12-04 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, no lights, just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 6:

Sunday, December 4th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]

* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]

* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ]
& [http://www.gnmr.de ]


2011-11-18 Marl

art gallery „Frageraum“ (Riegestraße 86 in Marl) presents
„Frage Raum Übergang“ and „Übergang/Umschaltung“,
electroacoustic music compositions by Frank Niehusmann,
in combination with paintings by Elke Vogl:
* November 18th, 2011, 18:00

Repetitions of this programme at „Frageraum“:
* November 25th, 2011, 18:00
* December  2nd, 2011, 18:00
* December  9th, 2011, 18:00

* more about „Frageraum“:
[ http://www.frageraum.de ]

2011-11-13 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, no lights, just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 5: Sunday, November 13th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

* playlists available at
[ http://www.radio-depot.blogspot.com ]

* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]

* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]

* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]

* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]
* more about Thomas Neuhaus
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-uni.de/~neuhaus/Thomas%20Neuhaus/Home.html]

2011-11-12 Karlsruhe

first performance of the prize-winning composition
Scuderia Ferrari auf der Allee der Kosmonauten
by Frank Niehusmann at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
(November 12th, 2011, 18:00) in the frame of the radio drama festival
„ARD Hörspieltage“ – with the presentation of the CD „Jetzt“: including the piece with the same name by Luc Ferrari and the prize-winning compositions of the competition „Ferrari (r)ecouté“ (a cooperation by „ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics“ and „hr2-kultur“)

* more about Luc Ferrari:
[ http://www.lucferrari.org ]

* more about „ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics“:
[ http://www.zkm.de/musik ]

* more about the radio station „hr2-kultur“:
[ http://www.hr2.de ]

* more about the festival „ARD Hörspieltage“:

2011-11-11 Essen

Foto: Frank Niehusmann
Foto: Frank Niehusmann

orchestral music experiment with reading of the 3rd book of Moses (called „Leviticus“) at „Kunsthaus Essen“: November 11th, 2011, 21:00;

contribution of „Kunsthaus Essen“ to the festival
„Nacht der Bibliotheken in NRW“;
text editing, reading and musical composition by Frank Niehusmann;

* facebook/deutsch:
[ http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=229704317085470 ]
* more about Kunsthaus Essen:
[ http://www.kunsthaus-essen.de ]
* more about the festival „Nacht der Bibliotheken in NRW“:
[ http://tinyurl.com/nachtderbibliotheken ]
* review:

2011-10-18 CD RAL 2011

Radikal Audio Lab. releases the CD „RAL 2011″

with electroacoustic compositions by
Frank Niehusmann and Clemens von Reusner

* Label & mailorder: NURNICHTNUR
[ http://www.nurnichtnur.com ]

* more about Radikal Audio Lab.:
[ http://www.RadikalAudioLab.de ]

* more about Clemens von Reusner:
[ http://www.cvr-net.de ]

… of all the electronic albums released in recent month by far the most insteresting …„: „Das Album ist eine beeindruckende Sammlung experimenteller Klanggestaltung – in höchstem Maße filmisch. Von allen Elektroalben der letzten Monate mit Abstand das interessanteste.“
– (Harry Lachner, Radio SWR-2, Nov. 18th, 2011)

A very exciting collaboration and publication of electroacoustic music„: „Eine sehr spannende Kooperation und Publikation elektro-akustischer Musik“ – (Marita Emigholz, Radio Bremen, Oct. 28th, 2011)

2011-10-16 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, no lights, simply 60 minutes from the loudspeakers for the listeners.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 4: Sunday, October 16th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with GNMR:
[ http://www.gnmr.de/projekte/electronic-department/radio_depot/ ]

* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]
* more about Thomas Neuhaus
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-uni.de/~neuhaus/Thomas%20Neuhaus/Home.html]

2011-10-08 DEGEM-CD ‚Replace‘

DEGEM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e.V.
(German Association for Electroacoustic Music) releases the CD „Replace“ (DEGEM-CD No. 10)

with electroacoustic compositions by
Sam Auinger, Marcus Beuter, Michael Harenberg,
Nikolaus Heyduck, Jan Jacob Hofmann, Ludger Kisters,
Bernd Leukert, Frank Niehusmann, Matthias Ockert,
Kirsten Reese, Denise Ritter, <SA/JO>, Sciss, Nicolas Wiese

* Label & mailorder: EDITION DEGEM
[ http://www.editiondegem.de ]

* more about DEGEM:
[ http://www.degem.de ]

2011-09-25 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, simply 60 minutes for the loudspeakers and the listeners.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 3: Sunday, September 25th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with GNMR:
[ http://www.gnmr.de/projekte/electronic-department/radio_depot/ ]

* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]
* more about Thomas Neuhaus
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-uni.de/~neuhaus/Thomas%20Neuhaus/Home.html]

2011-09-17 Antwerpen (Belgium)

Red On Rubber
musical performance by Frank Niehusmann
in the frame of the

Festival of European Poetry
Bibliotheek Permeke

Doors 19:00 / Performances 20:00

Also on stage:
Wilfried Bienek, Susan Birkeland, Catharina Boer, Tim Ceustermans-Deschepper, Olivier Cousin, Job Degenaar, Jean Demey, Marleen de Crée, Didi de Paris, Frank de Vos, Paul Gellings, Peter Holvoet-Hanssen, Devorah Major, Roger Nupie, Annie Reniers, Annmarie Sauer, Fred Schywek, Lucienne Stassaert, Bart Stouten, Patricia Van Nunen.

2011-09-01 Berlin

Ballett Bang Bang
electroacoustic music ballett with classical ballett dancers on drums
in the frame of the festival „Ankunft Neue Musik
inside Berlin’s Central Station
* performances on August 31st at 12:00 and 14:00 – on September 1st at 16:00 and 18:00

[ http://www.ohrenstrand.de/2011/live-programm/010911/ ]

„Ballet Bang Bang“ is a project by
Simone Leona Hueber (director) and
Frank Niehusmann (composer)
with (dancers & drummers)
Klara Dovzhik, Luisa Sancho Escanero and Soraya Schulthess

* more about Simone Leona Hueber:
[ http://www.simoneleonahueber.com ]
* more about the festival’s performances:
[ http://www.ohrenstrand.de/2011/live-programm/ ]

2011-07-10 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, simply 60 minutes for the loudspeakers and the listeners.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 2: Sunday, July 10th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with
[ http://www.gnmr.de ]

* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]
* more about Thomas Neuhaus:
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-uni.de/~neuhaus/Thomas%20Neuhaus/Home.html]

2011-06-05 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
compositions, sounds and noises from past, presence and future –
no stage, simply 60 minutes for the loudspeakers and the listeners.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 1: Sunday, June 5th, 18:00,

Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund
* more details (in German):
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with
[ http://www.gnmr.de ]
* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]
* more about Thomas Neuhaus
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-uni.de/~neuhaus/Thomas%20Neuhaus/Home.html]