2006-09-02 Essen, Germany
Frank Niehusmann’s composition
„Das Urteil“
is part of the art exhibition „Tod“
at Atelier Mauermann;
other participants are Martina Achenbach, Alexander Braun, Helmut Dick, Gilbert Geister, Horst Janssen, Jürgen Kierspel, Rudolf Kraft, Jochen Leyendecker, Iwona Liegmann, Karl-Heinz Mauermann, Christian Paulsen, Matthias Schamp, Dirk Schlichting, Günter Sponheuer and Stef Stagel;
* location: Byfanger Str. 91, Essen-Kupferdreh;
* opening times:
Sept., 2nd, from 16:00 until late;
Sept., 16th + 17th, 15:00-18:00;
all other days on request: +49-(0)201-8477955;
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]
* more about the exhibition „Tod“ (in german only):
[ http://www.semantic-error.de/byfang/tod/tod_einladung.htm ]