2008-09-20 Essen

2008-09-20 and 2008-09-21,
Essen, Germany:
performances of „Fragrance“
in the frame of the art exhibition „Blumenkinder“
(with works by Claudia Breuer, Helmut Dick, Anjali Goebel, Claudia Kappenberg, Ruth Knecht, Ruppe Kosseleck, Wilhelm Kreimeyer, Jochen Leyendecker, Iwona Liegmann, Karl-Heinz-Mauermann, Mary Catherine Newcomb, Christian Paulsen, Bärbel Rothhaar, Matthias Schamp, Gerda Schlembach, Steffen Schlichter, Stef Stagel, Katja Struif und VA Wölfl);
* venue: Atelier Mauermann, Byfanger Str. 91, Essen-Kupferdreh;
* opening times of the exhibition:
Sept., 20th + 21st, 15:00-18:00;
* more about „Fragrance“:
https://www.niehusmann.org/fragrance ]
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]

2008-09-19 CLUJ NAPOCA (KLAUSENBURG), Romania

performance of „Major Tom“ – the musical theatre play by
Frank Niehusmann (musical composition) and
Tom Zahner (singer, actor);
the venue: Babeş-Bolyai University, Studioul Nou, Facultatea de Teatru si Televiziune;
„Major Tom“ is an „artscenico“-production and part of their european project „hanging around“;
* more about „hanging around“:
[ http://www.hangingaround.de ]
* more about „artscenico“:
[ http://www.artscenico.de ]
* more about the venue:
[ http://www.ubbcluj.ro ]

2008-09-06 Essen

2008-09-06, Essen, Germany:
performances of „Fragrance“
in the frame of the art exhibition „Blumenkinder“
(with works by Claudia Breuer, Helmut Dick, Anjali Goebel, Claudia Kappenberg, Ruth Knecht, Ruppe Kosseleck, Wilhelm Kreimeyer, Jochen Leyendecker, Iwona Liegmann, Karl-Heinz-Mauermann, Mary Catherine Newcomb, Christian Paulsen, Bärbel Rothhaar, Matthias Schamp, Gerda Schlembach, Steffen Schlichter, Stef Stagel, Katja Struif und VA Wölfl);
* venue: Atelier Mauermann, Byfanger Str. 91, Essen-Kupferdreh;
* opening times:
Sept., 6th, from 16:00 until late;
Sept., 20th + 21st, 15:00-18:00;
all other days on request: +49-(0)201-8477955;
* more about „Fragrance“:
https://www.niehusmann.org/fragrance ]
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]

2008-07-09 BERLIN, Germany

– in the frame of „poesiefestival berlin 2008“ –
presents electronic music in connection with contemporary poems;
new musical works by
AGF, Miguel Azguime, Sidney Corbett, Frank Niehusmann and Vit Zouhar;
curated by Andreas Rochholl;
Frank Niehusmann in collaboration with poet Bas Böttcher;
the venue: Akademie der Künste (Hanseatenweg);
* more about „e.poesie“:
[ http://www.kadmos-produktion.de/Hybrid/epoesie.htm ]
* more about Bas Böttcher:
[ http://www.basboettcher.de ]
* more about the venue:
[ http://www.adk.de/de/orientierung/hanseatenweg ]

2008-05-22 MEXICO-CITY, Mexico

„La Habitacion del Ruido“
– Mexican-German Electroacoustic concert
– curated by Thomas Gerwin and Pablo Garcia-Valenzuela
– at Casa del Lago UNAM
[ http://www.casadellago.unam.mx ]
with works by
Javier Alvarez, Alejandro Castaños, Gilberto Castro, Martin Daske, Javier A. Garavaglia, Thomas Gerwin, Haarmann, Frank Halbig, Ralf Hoyer, Anna Ikramowa, Lisstte Jassan, Georg Katzer, Arno Lücker, Frank Niehusmann, Franz Martin Olbrisch, Dirk Reith, Rodrigo Reyes, Susanne Stelzenbach, Pablo Garcia Valenzuela, Helmut Zapf & others;
Video works by Pablo Gav/Max Hattler and Thomas Gerwin/Wolfgang Lehmann & others;
– „La Habitacion del Ruido“ is a concert series from Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana
[ http://www.ucsj.edu.mx ],
Mexico City, college of Audiovisual Communication Studies,
directed by Pablo Garcia-Valenzuela
[ http://www.pablogav.com ]

2008-04-18 MODENA, Italy

first performance of „Major Tom“ – the first work by
Frank Niehusmann (musical composition) with Tom Zahner (singer, actor);
venue of this performance: Centro d’Arte e Cultura Chiesi di San Paolo (Via Francesco Selmi);
„Major Tom“ is an „artscenico“-production;
„Major Tom“ is part of the european project „hanging around“ and
is based on their collection of photos;
* more about „hanging around“:
[ http://www.hangingaround.de ]
* more about „artscenico“:
[ http://www.artscenico.de ]
* more about the venue:
[ http://www.sanpaoloesposizioni.it ]
* the flyer:
[ tempovuoto.pdf ]