2012-11-24 Dortmund

U-Topia: „Festival für Musik, Kunst und Technologie“

Concert: „Urban Solar Audio Plant“
(acousmatic solar-powered W-LAN loudspeaker concert)
with works by
Peter Eisold, Frank Niehusmann, Clemens von Reusner

venue: „Dortmunder U“ [http://www.dortmunder-u.de ]
date: Saturday, Nov., 24th, 18:00

* more about „Urban Solar Audio Plant“:
[ http://www.u-s-a-p.org ]

* more about the U-Topia festival:
http://www.u-topia.de ]

* more about Peter Eisold:
[ http://www.peter-eisold.de ]

* more about Clemens von Reusner:
[ http://www.cvr-net.de ]

2012-11-22 Bochum

audio-visual concert „1000 Feuer“

during the opening ceremony for the 20th aniversary of the
„Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets“ – Blicke 20

Thursday, November 22, 2012 – 19:00
Cinema „Endstation“, Bochum-Langendreer

collaboration with Claudia Robles Angel (video)

* more about „Blicke 20″:
[ http://www.blicke.org ]
[ http://www.blicke.org/programm/do-22-november-2012.html ]

* more about Claudia Robles Angel:
[ http://www.claudearobles.de ]

* more ablout the venue:
http://www.endstation-kino.de ]

2012-11-18 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 14: Sunday, November 18th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Gold, Silber und schwere Metalle“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]

* more about Radio_Depot:
[ http://www.radio-depot.blogspot.de ]
[ https://twitter.com/Radio_Depot ]
[ http://www.is.gd/rd_rn ]

2012-10-14 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 13: Sunday, October 14th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Unterwelten“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]

* more about Radio_Depot:
[ http://www.radio-depot.blogspot.de ]
[ https://twitter.com/Radio_Depot ]
[ http://www.is.gd/rd_rn ]

2012-09-23 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 12: Sunday, September 23rd, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Zitate, Samples, Plagiate“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]

* more about Radio_Depot:
[ http://www.radio-depot.blogspot.de ]
[ https://twitter.com/Radio_Depot ]
[ http://www.is.gd/rd_rn ]

2012-06-21 Frankfurt am Main

Thursday, 21st June 2012, 21:00
Acousmain – No.30: „Status Quo“
30th edition of the concert series „Acousmain“
at Atelierfrankfurt, Vortragssaal 2.OG,
Hohenstaufenstraße 13-25, Frankfurt am Main;
compositions to demonstrate the „status quo“
of today’s electroacoustic music:
• „Hrafntinnusker“ by Jan Jacob Hofmann,
• „Im vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums“ by Florian Hartlieb,
• „Klangfiguren II“ by Gottfried Michael Koenig,
• „Error at the Fish Market“ by Cem Güney,
„uData“ by Frank Niehusmann,
• „Transkript 18“ by Oliver Peters.

2012-06-17 Dortmund

Sunday, June 17th, 18:00
acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann
at Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund;
Edition No. 11:  „Tiere, Dschungel, Biomasse“

2012-05-20 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 10: Sunday, May 20th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Schöne Söhne & Tüchtige Töchter“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]

* more about Radio_Depot:
[ http://www.radio-depot.blogspot.de ]
[ http://twitter.com/#!/Radio_Depot ]
[ http://www.is.gd/rd_rn ]

2012-04-15 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 9: Sunday, April 15th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Waren_Ströme_Supermärkte“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]

2012-02-26 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 8: Sunday, Feb. 26th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Ein Klavier, ein Klavier!“

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]

2012-01-15 Dortmund

acousmatic concert series produced and curated by
Peter Eisold, Thomas Neuhaus & Frank Niehusmann:
just the loudspeakers and 60 minutes of sound.

Radio_Depot – Edition No. 7: Sunday, January 15th, 18:00,
Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund

Headline for this concert: „Katastrophengebiet“
including a performance of Frank Niehusmann’s composition
„Das Gebiet“;
* details (in German) about „Das Gebiet“:
[ https://www.niehusmann.org/das-gebiet ]

* more details (in German) about the Radio_Depot concerts:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/96.html ]
* Map:
[ http://www.depotdortmund.de/63.html ]
* in collaboration with DEGEM and GNMR:
[ http://www.degem.de ] & [http://www.gnmr.de ]