2007-12-13 DEGEM CD9 – Orpheus 400

Frank Niehusmann’s composition
„Wer? (Monster, Mythen, Mutationen)“
is published on the CD
„DEGEM CD9 – Orpheus 400“
by Cybele Records (Order-No. 960.209);
„DEGEM CD9 – Orpheus 400“ contains works by Andre Bartetzki, Jens Brand, Gerald Eckert, Heinz-Josef Florian, Thomas Gerwin, Haarmann, Joachim Heintz, Kazuya Ishigami, Thomas Kessler, Hans W. Koch, Johannes Kreidler, Dugal McKinnon, Wolfgang Liebhart, Harald Muenz, Frank Niehusmann, NooK, Franz Martin Olbrisch, Johannes S. Sistermanns, Clemens von Reusner, Andreas Wagner;
* more about „DEGEM CD9 – Orpheus 400“:
https://www.niehusmann.org/orpheus-400 ]

2007-11-23 Brüssel, Belgien

audio-visual concert „Maschinenraum“
by „khmfn“
(i.e. Karl-Heinz Mauermann & Frank Niehusmann)
during the Cimatics 07 Festival
at Beursschouwburg (Brussels/Beglium, A.Ortsstraat 20-28/rue A.Orts);
* more about this evening at the Cimatics 07 Festival:
[ http://cimatics.com/festival2007/program/friday/index.php ]
* more about Cimatics 07 Festival:
[ http://cimatics.com/festival2007 ]
* more about the venue Beursschouwburg:
[ http://www.beursschouwburg.be ]
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]

2007-09-13 Essen

Kunsthaus-Salon presents Frank Niehusmann with his performance/lecture
„Klänge und Geräusche aus der Steckdose – Frank Niehusmann erklärt elektronische Musik“;
this evening includes a live-performance of one of Frank’s „Day Tracks“-remixes;
* location: Kunsthaus Essen, Rübezahlstr. 33, 45134 Essen;
* more about the „Day Tracks“-project:
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-3 ]
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-2 ]
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-1 ]
* more about „Kunsthaus Essen“:
[ http://www.kunsthaus-essen.de ]

2007-09-08+15+22 Oberhausen

„MONO“ is the title of a concert series with electroacoustic music inside the famous Gasometer building in Oberhausen/Germany.
Frank Niehusmann invented the mono sound concept for DEGEM, the German Association for Electroacoustic Music, and is their head of production for this unique event. MONO is a concert series produced by DEGEM, in cooperation with Gasometer Oberhausen GmbH, promoted and supported by Deutscher Musikrat, NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal, EVO Energieversorgung Oberhausen AG and Folkwang-Hochschule Essen.

First step was the international competition „MONO @ GASOMETER“ to find outstanding concepts for electroacoustic performances specially designed for the Gasometer; the Jury members:
* Dipl.-Ing. Folkmar Hein
(head of the Elektronisches Studio der TU-Berlin)
[ http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche_mitarbeiter/hein/ ]
* Prof. Christina Kubisch
(who designed the permanent light-and-sound-installation „Licht Himmel“ inside the Gasometer)
[ http://www.christinakubisch.de ]
* Frank Niehusmann
(Board member of DEGEM, German Association for Electroacoustic Music)
[ http://www.degem.de ]
* Prof. Dirk Reith
(head of ICEM Institut für Computer-Musik und elektronische Medien der Folkwang Hochschule Essen)
[ http://icem.folkwang-hochschule.de/~reith/Web-Site/Willkommen.html ]

The jury’s selection – the six artists who will perform new works inside the Gasometer:
* Knut Aufermann (D)
[ http://knut.klingt.org ]
* Ivo Bol (NL)
[ http://www.ivobol.nl ]
* Hiroki Nishino (J)
[ http://www.washington.edu/dxarts/profile_home.php?who=nishino ]
* Jobina Tinnemans (NL)
[ http://www.blatnova.com ]
* Ge-Suk Yeo (D)
[ http://art.cappuccinonet.com/lang/de/artists.html ]
* Florian Zwißler (D)
[ http://www.florianzwissler.de ]

* final documentation of the „MONO“-project:
[ http://icem-www.folkwang-hochschule.de/mono/MONO%202007/MONO%202007/Start.html ]

2007-07 AudioHyperspace-Interview

Sabine Breitsameter asked Frank Niehusmann about his 2005/2006 podcast experiences and the genesis of his „Day Tracks“ project (in German);
* the interview:
[ http://www.swr.de/swr2/…/niehusmann.html ]
* more about AudioHyperspace:
[ http://www.swr.de/swr2/audiohyperspace/ger_version/index.html ]
* more about Sabine Breitsameter;
[ http://www.udk-berlin.de/index.php?ELEMENT=19863 ]
[ http://www.swr.de/swr2/…/index.html ]
* more about Frank Niehusmann’s „Day Tracks“:
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-3 ]
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-2 ]
https://www.niehusmann.org/day-tracks-1 ]

2007-01-16 Paris, France

performance of „Maschinen – ein Hörspiel“
at the Week of Sound „La Semaine du Son“
during the presentation of the „Concours Phonurgia Nova“:
„Vous avez dit art radiophonique ? – Remise des prix aux lauréats du 12ème concours international de création ‚Le son comme art‘ Phonurgia Nova“;
„Maschinen – ein Hörspiel“ is a radiophonic composition by
Karl-Heinz Mauermann and Frank Niehusmann;
location of the performance:
IRCAM, Centre Georges-Pompidou, 1 place Igor-Stravinsky, Paris;
* more about the location IRCAM:
[ http://www.ircam.fr ]
* more about the Week of Sound, „La Semaine du Son“:
[ http://www.lasemaineduson.org ]
* more about the Phonurgia Nova prize:
[ http://www.phonurgia.org ]
* more about the composition „Maschinen – ein Hörspiel“:
[ http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/klangkunst/368786/ ]
* more about Karl-Heinz Mauermann:
[ http://www.semantic-error.de ]